One busy knitting mom whose life and times have been taken over by fiber. I am obsessed with knitting and spinning, my family and friends are witnessing this takeover of my home and life. Living life as a fiber artist and want to share my love of the art with all.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Colorful Carbondale
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Fair Time!
Last year I entered some knitting and spinning in the El Paso County Fair. It is only $5 to enter up to 10 things, so I figured why not? And last year I won a few ribbons, second and third place. This year though - tada - I won first place in spinning with this entry of handspun merino, a soft and beautiful thick/thin yarn - FIRST PLACE - whoo hoo! That comes with prize money - FOUR WHOLE DOLLARS! More importantly, bragging rights of being the best spinner in El Paso County. And while I do know more talented, experienced and just plain better spinners, they didn't enter, so that makes me the best spinner for the whole next year.
And lastly, a dishcloth. Yes, I did enter a dishcloth in household. Why not? I saw a winning dishcloth last year and thought, hey, who would have thought it? And look at that, 3rd place (and 2 whole dollars) for that dishcloth which I entered as almost an afterthought. The judge did say my edges were a little tight, and I agree, but I didn't do perfect, since I was going to wipe counters with it. It isn't even a "design" dishcloth, just a regular old dishcloth.
So, overall I have to say we did pretty well at the fair and had a wonderful time. And again I encourage folks to enter their local fair with whatever their talent may be. It is such a kick! And as time goes on, less and less people enter and participate in fairs and so forth, and we really need to preserve this type of entertainment for our children and their children. The fair is such great fun.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Harvest Time at the Home
We did a garden this year, and for once it has really turned out well. This day we got 2 squash, some green beans and a cherry pepper. Our tomato plants started very slowly, now they finally have beautiful, large tomatoes but we are waiting for them to turn red. K loves the fresh green beans, squash and peppers. Although, I have to say, K is all ready my healthiest eating, easiest to feed, loves fruit and veggies child, but she loves these things from the garden even more.
The green peppers are doing the best. One plant has given us 7 green peppers. Wonderful, they are so good when they are fresh from the garden.
And one recent night we made a dinner where 50% of it was grown in our own garden. Squash, green pepper, red pepper, sweet basil and green beans sauteed with some soy sauce and on rice, only the rice, garlic and soy sauce weren't mine. And I have discovered lots of ways to prepare squash, since we got 5 squash in about 5 days - lol! Yep, I am pretty proud of our garden. And so is L. And most important, even L is eating his veggies!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
For the First Time In a Long Time
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Knit to Quit
I am knitting to quit. It is working. Well, that and nicorette gum, medication and cleaning house. Really, I have been cleaning out the basement. And the kid's closets. The kitchen cabinets. Drawers. Not deep cleaning, just getting rid of stuff. Let's face it, my house will never be that clean. Even if I hired a housekeeper once a week, I still wouldn't eat off my floor - lol! But I am slowly becoming less cluttered.
And to reward myself, I started the TKGA's (Knitting Guild of America) Master Knitter program. That is right, I am keeping with my yarn diet and not buying yarn with my extra cig money. Instead I signed up for this program and am excited to do it. Basically they give you instructions and questions, and you send in your knit samples and answers and they either pass you or give you suggestions and you resubmit. And you can take as long as you like.
So that is what is up with me.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Happy Birthday
My father is wonderful! I really don't have the words to tell you how enormously special he is. He always read to me, every single night (when he wasn't working out of town). I remember reading the Little House series with him. And now my own son is reading that series. And I am enjoying it myself again. He played sports with us at a time not all father's believed girls should even play sports. I can still remember playing tennis with him against another father/daughter pair. And he was not too soft nor too mean nor too demanding, although I am sure I thought so many times. He is very wise and helpful, there are not enough words to tell you how many times he has helped me.
Monday, March 7, 2011
A Little Hiatus
K had her big 4th birthday back in that short month.
Knitting wise I have knocked off several pairs of fingerless gloves for some women at the husband's work. They love them.
And I tried sprinkle dyeing, and it turned out ok, I should have used more colors so it was brighter. But I like these results for a more muted coloring, with some green and pink highlights but next time I will not be quite as worried. I haven't done anything with it yet, it is just a 2ply, worsted and I like looking at it so far.
Life is good.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Hey Big Business - Quit Ripping Me Off
Let's start with my vacuum. I bought a vacuum about a year ago when the old one, the one that was my grandmother's and probably could have withstood a nuclear war, gave up. Now I know I should have just had the old one repaired. Shoulda, coulda, wish I woulda ... But I bought a new one. Nothing special, just a regular dirtdevil featherlite from Target, sale price $45. Note the price - pretty good deal.
Here are my issues. The first one is that the featherlite is anything but... it claims to weigh 11 pounds. That may be true, but they aren't 11 pounds of easy to maneuver, pliable, throw it on your hip material. It is 11 pounds of hulking, giant pieces of hard, unmovable plastic. And it is so heavy on the stairs. But this isn't my biggest issue with my lovely vacuum. My big issue is the price of the filter I am required to buy. That lovely little filter is ..... wait for it ..... 27 bucks. Yep, the filter is half the price of the vacuum. That filter is to be replaced every year. The bags my old vacuum took were like 5 bucks for 3. Thanks dirtdevil, you got me. You and me, stuck together. Sure, filters last longer, but not when your husband throws it away the one and only time he runs the vacuum and then you realize it a week later when you go to vacuum and it is running funny and naturally the trash guys picked up yesterday and ... hence you are now out $27 bucks. LOL - that is what some dirtdevil guy is doing right now, cause I am going to be stuck buying his filter once a year (although I am sure he would recommend more often) for a long, long time.
Now my other irritant. Laundry detergent. Hey, have you ever actually read the directions on the side of your detergent? Of course not. You have been doing laundry for as long as there has been dirt, you don't even remember when you started doing laundry, it just has always been there, always will be, there won't be one day you won't have laundry in your basket or your machine (unless you are nudists, in which case, this probably doesn't effect you as much). Anyway, that little plastic measuring device and/or the lid you use for a measuring device have little lines on them. And guess what, the highest line is not for a large load of wash - NO - it is for an extra large, sometimes extra, extra large load, like something at the laundromat that when you were in college you stuffed all your clothes into and gave it all the quarters you had and came back later to some semi-clean clothes.
I never filled up the laundry measurer to the top, but for crying out loud, it basically needs to be half full for a regular load of laundry. Hey Tide, I don't need bubbles following me down the street during a rainstorm. This has been bothering me ever since I taught C how to do his laundry and actually looked at the directions.
Why can't these companies just do honest business? Just include the laundry dispenser for regular loads - if I do a giant load, I'll use it twice. And the filter thing - that is just wrong. It can't be more than $2 worth of material and .50 worth of Chinese labor on this thing and I am being generous, so someone is making $25 dollars or so on my filter and yours.......
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Snow Day?
I plied some yarn I spun from my latest fiber purchase at Distaff Day. Let's remember that purchasing spinning fiber is not the same as purchasing yarn, although the results do end up the same. More yarn. But handspun yarn is special, it has the love of me in it. Whereas millspun yarn only has the love of machines, until it is knit, then of course, it will have the love of the knitter in each stitch. That is what you get when you handknit articles - love in each and every stitch.
There we are winding up the new spun yarn on my niddy-noddy off my jumbo bobbin, which really is jumbo. Sometimes, I think they come up with words that are just meant to sound silly - niddy-noddy? Really? No one could come up with a better name? How about skein winder? I mean, we have a ball winder to wind up yarn into balls? Wouldn't the next logical step be a skein winder to wind up yarn into skeins? No, instead we call it a niddy-noddy. Let's face it, if I told you I am going home to use my niddy-noddy, you would think I am going to do something that is not proper for a knitting blog. Niddy-noddy, indeed.
Poor hubby has had to go out in this freezing weather, no cold days off for him. He wore his wool socks today even though he works indoors, it really is that cold. I also have my wool socks on. Love them. So far we have had stew and chili during this cold spell, it makes the house nice and warm and cozy, which brings a big smile over the husband's face...
Ahhhh, I guess that is enough random ramblings and showing off for today. Happy Cold Day to you!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
No, I am on a yarn diet. I am absolutely not buying anymore yarn! I have too much. I went through it this past week and said, OMG why haven't I used that? Some beautiful skeins of yarn. Forgotten beautiful yarn, just waiting to be knit up. Some not so beautiful - which mostly ended up in a box for ARC which is where they came from in the first place. If the end of the world as we know it happened tomorrow - my yarn and I would end up in high demand when no one could buy socks from China at Walmart anymore. People would be trading me whole cows for some awesome wool socks.
I would actually say how many different types of yarn I have and how many yards...but my mom reads this and she might have a heart attack, so we'll just keep it between at a lot. She will think that "a lot" means three or four skeins and those of you who stash yarn will know that "a lot" means three or four bins.
So how long will I keep up my "no yarn buying" diet? I thought about setting a time limit. Like until June, when the wool festivals start up. But I am not sure that even then will be enough of a reduction. And then what? Buy more yarn to replace the yarn I finally used? No, that won't work. I have become quite discerning in my yarn purchases over the last year - only the good stuff, which is why some original stuff from the thrift store is going back. Yep, I have become a yarn snob. I like the pretty colors, the softness, the ease of knitting with the good stuff.
So my goal is to not buy any yarn until the end of the year. So far, so good, I have not bought any yarn. The last yarn I bought was for Christmas and I had K give it to me. I can do it. I can go all the way to Christmas. Just the other day, I was in the parking lot at the yarn store (for another reason) but did I go just look? NO. Did I go fondle yarn? NO. Did I buy just some sock yarn cause it is 20% off and gorgeous? NO. I didn't even go in. Pretty good, huh?
But, I do have a gift certificate to a yarn store that I won. Are we sure it counts as "buying" when it is a gift certificate? But I may not even buy yarn, maybe I'll buy needles or stitch markers or something else. But not yarn. Definitely not yarn. I might walk in there mumbling "not yarn, diet, not yarn" and keeping my eyes down so they think I am crazy, but no buying yarn!
Let's not talk about the spinning fiber!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Family Friday - Grandma Ruth
From the Rocky Mountain News, the headline on page 5 reads "Keen Eye and Courage Nab 2 Who Admit Act" - and they are talking about Grandma Ruth. Grandma Ruth was in her dress shop on the phone when 2 robbers walked in, and one pulled a pistol on her. She screamed and they ran out. At the time, she told the police she would never forget the man who pulled a gun on her.
About a week later she boarded the trolley and sat down across the aisle from - yep, you guessed it - two very unlucky and dangerous criminals. John Arnold and Harold Williams were the men who tried to rob Grandma's dress shop, Adrian Fem Shoppe. The men got off the trolley, Grandma then asked the driver to stop. She started to follow the men, thought better of it, and went to the police station. Patrolman Frank Parisi went looking for these criminals and finally saw them about 15 minutes later. Not only had they attempted to rob the dress shop, they had stolen $32.80 robbing another woman, burglarized several rooms where they were staying, including one where they got the gun. Not to mention they were both about 4 months out of prison.
I met Grandma Ruth and she was incredible. Captain Flor described her as a "truly remarkable woman. I've seen men shake like a leaf but she was just as cool as possible in pointing them out, and telling Arnold: 'You're the man'!" After that, the confessions apparently started flowing.
Grandma Ruth - great woman, who caught (and scared off) 2 dangerous criminals in 1952!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Distaff Day
At Distaff Day, they had several demonstrations on weaving and spinning and dyeing - it was so inspirational! I just wanted to come home and start throwing dye on everything and spin up some more wool and knit up a storm. Note: I am resisting weaving, really I am, even though I have an inkle loom and weaving looks really cool, and some of the stuff they make is amazing, but resisting. I saw Navajo plying in person, and definitely want to try that again. The last time I tried Navajo plying, I ended up with a horrid knotted mess. I met a woman whose husband built her an electric spinning wheel. I saw every different type of wheel you can imagine, from well, electric spinning wheels to antique sleeping beauty wheels to fancy, expensive wheels.
And they had tables set up with different products for sale - mostly fiber. All different kinds of fiber at good prices, so I bought about four ounces of alpaca from a local breeder,
They had demonstrations on combing and carding. Ooooh, so cool. Several different types of carders and combs - even a nice electric carder was brought in for people to try out. It is so great that people want to share their tools and experiences. Next year, I'll take my camera so I can share the day with you.
Can you tell I found Distaff Day exciting?
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Right After This
Last time I sat to knit, K and L must have called to me, "needed" me, wanted me, spilled something, and wanted to eat and drink, every single 3 minutes. I didn't even get a row done, before they were calling out again.
And worse, we moved furniture around so I could have a more spacious corner for spinning and a cozy corner for knitting - ha, barely used yet!
Well, I am still here. And L is working on some interesting genealogy things, so Friday should have a fascinating post. And maybe today I'll get a few minutes of uninterrupted time, maybe even finish a whole row!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Finally Family Friday Again
Pretty amazing, huh?
And I finished a scarf which my oldest child, C, wanted for Christmas. It is not the one I had started, instead C had a new coat and wanted a different type of scarf. So he got this scarf known (not very originally) as cable with a twist.
And that is what I am up to. L is looking forward to contributing to Family Friday next week. And the weather is about to get all wonky, and I am happiest inside with the kids and the knitting. So everything is good.